BROKEN COLOUR Broken Colour....creating colourful, vibrant pastel paintings by placing colours side by side. Join us in learning about the control and application of Broken Colour. June is an enthusiastic, knowledgeable tutor who will guide you through the process of this technique. Materials list... * Black or Storm Blue Colourfix or dark grey UArt paper. (Not Canson). * Paper towel. * Support board to fit and tape pastel paper onto. (Not corflute). * Bulldog clip. * Note book. * 2B or 4B pencil. * Photo of your choice with a strong design, good tonal values and interesting colours. (June will have a supply of photos to borrow, if you are unsure). * A really good set of pastels, both hard (Conte, Nupastels, Rembrand). and any soft pastels that you have. Please include a few Magenta pastels. These listed below perform as hard and have brilliant colours. Brand Rembrandt 371.7 Permanent red deep 331.5 Rose Madder deep 397.3 397.5 Permanent Rose 545.3 545.5 545.7 Not all these are necessary but please, at least three sticks, tones of dark, mid and light.
If you need more information please contact; Jane Battaglene Members please login before you register. PAYMENT OPTIONS WILL BE LISTED IN YOUR CONFIRMATION EMAIL.